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SP: Coaching english

Bryce, How can a tree grow here? It can.

Bryce, How can a tree grow here? It can.


We consider coaching to be a form of individual process consulting in the workplace environment.  It should help you grow your skill sets and support your personal and professional development in the workplace. It may also offer extra help during difficult times or challenging situations at work, and may open your eyes to courses of action you hadn't considered.  It is useful, for example, when you:

  • are in a phase of professional realignment
  • require help with the job-search process
  • are preparing for new duties or roles within the company
  • are reflecting upon your personal leadership and work style and find that you want to find new approaches in how you treat yourself and others
  • are preparing for international activities or if you're encountering problems in the same
  • wish, or are asked, to shoulder new responsibilities within your current position
  • are having trouble balancing family and career
  • need to discuss professional conflicts in a safe environment, and hope to learn from these conflicts