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About us


Deniz Tuncer

It is my passion to trigger processes and to provide continuing support for them, such that individuals, teams and organizations can develop in directions beneficial to them. My background in psychology and systemic approaches pushes me toward unexplored territory, creates openness to change and flexibility to handle the changes, and makes me question the seemingly inevitable. Not only for myself, but for others, too. My clients benefit from my professional experience in corporate consulting and in the HR department of a large industrial enterprise. Additionally, having experienced and integrated multiple cultures informs my daily and professional life.

Systemic Coach and Consultant
Graduate degree in Psychology

Phone: +49 177 830 0040

Email: info@culturepulse.de

Skype: deniztuncer

Facetime = Phone



Tom Pinkall

As soon as I learned about systemic counseling, I was impressed. I feel fortunate to be able to incorporate various forms of this approach into my work. Important to me are systemic teaching for therapy and supervision, the joy of discovery and inventiveness found in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training (ACT), and meditative practices. In addition, I wish to see the world in all its diversity and to live my life connected to people, who experience the current moment under very different conditions. I was born in Dresden in 1972. 

Systemic Coach and Supervisor
MBSR (Mindfulness-based stress reduction) Teacher and ACT Trainer
Teaching Therapist and Supervisor (Systemic Society)
Graduate degree in theology

Phone: +49 172 314 4414

Email: info@systems-change.de

Skype: tompinkall

Facetime = Phone
